Saturday, June 25, 2011

As I Walk upon this Earth...I Trust (LLJL)

The author and mystic, Story Waters writes,
”Through my inner trust for my life, I choose to embrace the unfolding of my future“

The small, brave act of cooperating with life,
With all that is in the world,
Of choosing trust over cynicism, generosity over selfishness,
Makes the heart light up with quiet joy.

I have spent this past week, amidst that quiet joy on the grounds
 I inhabit from time to time in the Highlands of Maine.
The land, that I choose to not claim in ownership, 
 But a place which I have been blessedly entrusted a sacred stewardship.

It is during these most blessed times of respite…
That Our Beloved Mother teaches me of her Wisdom…
As I spend time lovingly wrapped in Her Blessed Arms…
And pressed safely against the bosom of Her Sacred Heart Beat…
I have come to an understand One All Abiding Truth…

That our connection to the land, is where Spirit resides…
Therefore, look not to the sky…
But to the air, the water, the plants, and the trees…
And all the creatures of this Our Beloved Home…
For Spirit resides in the Earth beneath your feet…
The ground on which you stand, is a Most Sacred Place…
A Holy Haven..It is the Portal to Heaven.

My Native Family and Neighbors, of the Penobscot Nation, the original inhabitants of this place,
Have taught me of the holy bond and responsibility we all have with the land. 
She trusts us as her protector, nurturer and co-creator,
And she in turn, provides unconditionally with all that she has to give.
To me, It is a most holy and sacred trust, a blessed gift. 

As I walk the grounds each day, I feel this trust everywhere;
In the spirit of the true inhabitants of this land…my woodland friends,
Who reside here with me, or I should say,
Have granted me stay…here with them.
As they boldly and warmly welcome me back,
Waiting with anticipation for me to open my pack and 
Offer up my gifts of carrots, apples, nuts, bread and seeds,
That I gratefully share with my friends, as we dwell in this time and place together.

I spent the week, blessedly among the trust and sanctuary of old friends,
With whom over the years, I have found a haven of
Safety, nurturance, love, and unconditional acceptance.
Trust, I have come to realize is the very basis of our existence.
Every day we trust…for if we did not, we could not exist.

We trust, when, every morning,  we place our feet on the ground,
 That it will support us. 

We trust, when we turn on our faucets,
That we will be replenished and refreshed by clean running water.

We trust, when we flip the switch,
The gift of electricity will bring to us, light, warmth, music, food, entertainment
And the tools by which we live our lives.

We trust, in our interactions with others every day,
That these encounters will hold in them,
The fruits of cooperation, co-creation, love and respect.

We, trust that the food we eat, throughout our day, 
Will sustain and enhance our bodies.

We trust, as we go home to our families,
At the end of our day, that all is well in our world.

And we trust, when we lay our heads down at night,
That our structures will provide, shelter and protection as we sleep.

As I venture out each day on my morning, walking meditation ritual,
I know that I am walking on sacred ground…
And I trust, that it is steady enough to support me…

And I have, also, come to indeed, realize 
That anywhere I stand at any given moment…is a Most Sacred Place.

And that I can and must trust the Universe by extension
To support my steps as I move forward.
along this new and untrodden, unknown path.

I trust, in the love, compassion and belief that the Universe has in me.
It is a holy charge…and one that I do not taken lightly…

And I have learned throughout this process of transition,
That to trust myself and by extension others and the world,
Is a most worthy practice…It is the practice of authenticity.

This is the work of aligning the standards we have for ourselves
With our deepest passions and dreams. 

It’s the work of making promises to ourselves and keeping them.
It’s the work of creating and discovering the kind of resources
That can and will support our success.
It’s the work of knowing who we are without judgment.

I move forward now in the light of this trust…
That I may become a worthy steward,

For not only this land…
But this world and for my place in the Divinity of the Greater Design…

For my place as an integral piece of the One Universal Heartbeat…
The One that is in All…The One that is All.

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